For employees of Muster GmbH

Register online
Sign-up free to enjoy all of our family-friendly benefits from Europe GmbH.
Use the online platform
Here you can personally find a suitable carer free-of-charge. Here you can also post requests and be found by carers.
Connect with caregivers online and contact them directly
As a premium member you have unlimited access and can contact caregivers for free.
Contact our Family Service-Hotline toll free, Monday through Friday between 09:00 and 18:00
Tel: 0800 / 377 33 00 Fax: 0800 / 5 300 400 99
Now for free to all Muster GmbH employees - log on and find the right care for you!
Register now by visiting Follow the online instructions to create your own family profile (be sure to use your work email address) and take full advantage of our Family Service.

No work e-mail address?
Just send an e-mail with your contact details and your company ID to or download the registration form and fax it to: 0800.5300.400.99.

Already registered?

Great! Then just login to your account where you can browse caregivers, post a job detailing your needs or read any received applications.